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Raw Milk

Raw milk is becoming more readily available now, and I am pleased to see that Northney Farm Tea Rooms on Hayling Island now stock it.

Unlike pasteurized and ultra-high-temperature (UHT) pasteurized milk, raw milk is a living food. Several of milk’s natural components including beneficial bacteria, food enzymes, natural vitamins and immunoglobulins are heat-sensitive. Heat-sensitive components of raw milk are destroyed through pasteurization and aren’t present in pasteurized or UHT milk.

As a living food, raw milk is also rich in natural food enzymes: lactase, lipase and phosphatase number among many of these natural enzymes. These enzymes help your body to better digest milk and better metabolize its vital nutrients. Enzymes like phosphatase help the body to better absorb milk’s calcium while other enzymes like amylase and lactase help you digest the sugars present in milk. It’s the presence of the enzyme lactase that help some individuals who are otherwise sensitive to lactose better digest raw milk.

The butterfat present in raw milk is rich in natural fat-soluble soluble vitamins, particularly preformed vitamin A, vitamin K and vitamin E. Raw milk is also rich in water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C and B-complex vitamins. Many vitamins, like food enzymes, are delicate and are largely destroyed by heat; therefore, pasteurized milks are fortified with vitamins.

It tastes better too! Really creamy and fresh. I have used it in smoothies and can really taste the difference, so it's worth giving it a try.

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