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Disaster Pants!! IBS - Yes You Can Do A LOT About It!

IBS support, don't live with it!
IBS - Support for Digestive Discomfort

IBS – that catch all term that tells you everything and nothing at the same time! 

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) means very different things to every person that suffers from less than optimal digestion. 

You may have some but not all of these symptoms, associated with IBS:

bloating, nausea, indigestion, burping, acid reflux, abdominal pain, urgency, diarrhoea, constipation, loose stools, flatulence, bowel movement directly after eating, food sensitivities and intolerances. 

You may also feel tired, have a vitamin B12 or iron deficiency, have hay fever, skin issues like eczema, acne or hives, joint pain, arthritis, headaches or migraines, hormone imbalance – all caused by IBS (you don’t need to have every symptom – everyone is different). 

If any of this sounds like you and you would like to speak to me, in confidence, about your issues then please get in touch.  I work with clients like you all the time, I have heard every scenario and nothing phases me!  Finally, be heard and find a way to live symptom free.

Interested in finding out more about me and my programmes for supporting digestion and IBS?

happy avocado with healthy digestive health
Be more avocado - happy tum!

Go to my Digestive Health webpage here:

To book a free, confidential chat with me, click on the button below.



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